RIFFS 70 du 4 novembre 2023
–Bang “Lions, Christians” Bang 1972 –Betty Davis “If Im In Luck I Might Get Picked Up” Betty Davis 1973 –Cactus “Parchman Farm” Cactus 1970 –Count Bishops “Train, Train” The Count Bishops (ou « Speedball ») 1977 –Hawkwind “Master of the Universe” In Search of Space 1971 RUBRIQUE INFLUENCES : Gyasi “Fast Love” Pronounced Jah-See 2022 –Fuchsia “Just Anyone” Fuchsia 1971 –Les Dudek “Jailabamboozle” Say No More 1977 –Tears “Ooh Lah” Tears 1974 –Wigwam “Let The World Ramble On” Fairyport 1971 -Elonkorjuu « Swords Finlande » Harvest Time 1972